Go Ahead–Be Amazing

Go ahead Be Amazing

“Since time began the universe has conspired to present you at the perfect moment to play your part with all your heart. So go ahead–be amazing!”

— Kristine M. Smith, hireme.wordwhisperer.net


Albert Einstein famously stated “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.’


When I look at the way the universe does its thing, there is no other way for me to perceive our extraordinary existence on a small carbon-based planet situated in a galaxy impossibly far from the epicenter of the universe as anything other than  a freaking miracle–as an effervescent, uncompromising expression of the mind of an unfathomable creator. I cannot imagine that any of this this “just happened”. Instead of “entropy”–the long, slow state of decline that is predicted will end all life with a final, fatal gasp as the last vestiges of energy in the universe are consumed–I sense an awakening into something even grander… something that simply cannot be extinguished, something that doesn’t require a universe for its existence… but delights in creating one!


I can’t see a watch without knowing that a watchmaker created it. I can’t look at the stars, planets, oceans, or the tiniest gnat without knowing that something truly miraculous and fully conscious and awake has generated these wonders. Whoever, whatever it is–call it God, Spirit, Source, Love, whatever feels most right to you–I sense the benevolence and the provision inherent in it.


I think the un-wounded human spirit and the spirits of all un-wounded beings are in absolute alignment with whatever this entity is, swaying joyfully subconsciously to its rhythms, seasons and intentions. I think love is its essence. I think the fragrance and foundation of a well-lived life is solidly embedded in this unconditional, all-encompassing love.


As a result of this belief/theory/conjecture/opinion, I don’t think anyone who crosses my path–or yours–is even a single step out of place. My greatest allies and chief detractors have always been right where they were supposed to be, offering encouragement, wisdom,  challenges and trials that have all been intended to enlighten and embolden me so that the reason I’m here would become crystal clear to me, so that my intention–my reason for being alive in this place at this specific period of time–can be fully realized, embraced, and fulfilled.


I could be wrong. But if I am, convincing me of the error of my ways would make my life feel meaningless, pointless and utterly random. Who wants to feel dispensable, unneeded and unbidden?


Albert Einstein had it right. Life can be viewed in one of two ways. I choose the more empowering of the two. It helps me get out of bed every morning with a spring in my step and a magnificent mission on my mind.