Beware of Cheap Writing Services

Always Someone Cheaper

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This image speaks for itself. (Sometimes a picture is worth ten thousand words!)


When you’re looking for a copywriter, you might be tempted to “go cheap”– to outsource to a foreign country or settle on a newbie because the price seems ridiculously right.  After all, you’re taking a chance when you hire a writer for the first time, so why spend more money than you absolutely have to?


Please re-think that notion.  The copy and content on your website and everywhere else you publicize your product, service or cause is going to be your “storefront”–strangers’ introduction to you–for a long time. You want to come across like the class act you are.  People don’t stick around if they aren’t riveted in place, impressed and engaged by the way you communicate with them.


Newbies and wannabes probably want to help you, and are probably doing the best they can, but it takes a long time to get great at anything that’s a skill or a discipline–wanting to be great doesn’t make you great right out the starting gate.  Only years of practice and scores of legitimate testimonials tell the true tale.


I was a newbie once.  I’m not against newbies.  I wish them well.  They just have lots of ropes to climb before they get really good at scoring touchdowns.


So think long and hard before taking the chance of hiring someone who is just starting out and offering cheap writing services. Ask to see his or her portfolio and testimonials from the clients they have served to make sure the one you take a risk on is a good risk.  There are ways to know–don’t just take their word for it.  Get proof!


Cheap writing services can come back to bite you in the pocketbook.