Bjo Trimble–Oh WOW!



I’m dancing on the ceiling tonight. Bjo Trimble caught wind of my upcoming DeForest Kelley book launch and shared it with her network of Trek followers…and they are sharing it with their numerous networks. I am ecstatic!


If you’re a Trek fan and the names Bjo and John Trimble don’t ring a huge gong, I’m sorry … but you’re NOT really a Trek fan!  It’s as simple as that. Bjo was the person responsible for spearheading the campaign that kept the original Star Trek series on the air when the network tried to cancel it.  She got more than one million Star Trek fans to flood the network with letters (including a number of mine!) –and it worked!


After that, Bjo wrote On the Good Ship Enterprise. She also wrote the first Star Trek Concordance way back when (which I still have a pristine copy of).


Heck, Bjo has her own Wikipedia page, if you need to catch up on her to figure out what a boon it is to have her sharing my book launch event!


The only “bigger” Trek names that I can imagine boosting the book launch event more would be George Takei and Nichelle Nichols. So this is HUGE, I tell you–HUGE! (Shatner, Koenig—that’ll never happen. We couldn’t even get them to meet with Terry when she was writing De’s biography, so I don’t ever see them engaging.)


I’m kinda surprised that George and Nichelle haven’t engaged with the launch. They both know of me (Nichelle and I had several meals together while De was in the hospital and afterward) and that I took care of De during his final months.  Nichelle even sang a song in my honor at an event when De received a posthumous award (I think it was the Gene Roddenberry Award but it might have been the Golden Boot. I simply can’t remember now).  But they’re busy people…and I don’t know how to get a message to either of them directly.  Does anyone else?  If you do, why don’t you forward the event link to them and see if they want to pick up on it and share it…


I tried befriending them but both have had their limit of friends on Facebook for years…I can’t get in.


All that aside, Bjo Trimble has come through without my even requesting it.  She has her finger on the pulse of the Star Trek universe to this very day.  I’m grateful, honored, and humbled to have received her nod of approval.


She’s De best!