The Three Trek-A-Teers

Everything is in readiness for next week’s TV appearance on New Day Northwest and the upcoming Starkane convention.


Lisa is getting the pay portal squared away this evening so she can take Yellow Balloon Publications LIVE. We’re testing everything to make sure it’s all working and doing the right things.


I’ve burned fifty audio books to CD disks so I’ll have some hard copies wherever I go from now on.  I need to broadcast the other Media Release now so the Braille Institute realized that the audio book it wanted is finally available…


I’m exhilarated and tired. My co-conspirators, Lisa Twining Taylor and Rod Janpol, are, too. It has been–and remains–a great collaboration.  Working in the trenches toward a common goal builds fond bonds or blows friendships to smithereens. We’ve come out of it fondly, fiercely bonded. Rod is 3000 miles away. Thank God for the Internet!


The Adventure Continues!!!