Miserable Day in the Neighborhood…

New Tarp Torn off Goat Shed

New Tarp Torn off Goat Shed

Upside Down Chicken Shed

Upside Down Chicken Shed

It’s too wet and windy to make repairs. If I did it, they’d just be undone again…so I may as well wait.


The goats and chickens are fine. They have warm, dry spots to curl up in. I’m just ticked off because up until today they also had a lot MORE dry areas to hang around in; right now, not so much. They’re cheek to jowl (okay, not that bad) and wing to wing (okay, not that bad.)


At  one point I went out to retrieve the upside down chicken shed but sank up to my ankle in mud, so figured I’d better wait.  I don’t want to fall victim to quicksand or whatever the heck that area is right now…


The lights are flickering intermittently, so guess I’ll lock this in for now, in case the electricity goes out, so it’ll be here when I return to tell you “the rest of the story”…whatever that story turns out to be.


This storm is supposed to wane about now (4 p.m.) and should be ancient news by six. I hope the weather forecasters are right.


Until then, cheers!


Update: 9:50. Things are settling down here. I’ll be doing repairs tomorrow to the goat shed tarp.  The chicken shed will have to wait for the weekend so I can get some help to right it and lift it off the stakes it was impaled by. Funzee.  Maybe the ground it’s on will be less sink-y, too!  Let’s hope–otherwise I’ll have to lay out planks to get to it.  (I have them–I just don’t want to have to use them if I don’t have to.)