1701News Throws a Spotlight on My #DeForestKelley Book



I’m close to hyperventilating here.  If I could reach the ceiling, I’d dance on it.  Read this and find out why!




Maybe it takes a writer to truly “get” a writer. John K. Kirk certainly “gets” the trajectory of my book. His is an eloquent recounting of its elements and essence. It’s obvious he actually read it before reviewing it and then carefully considered where the kernels of evidence led.  It is a masterful review.


It makes my month–all of February, including its extra day this year.  This is what I was hoping for when I wrote the book. Exactly this: a review that expresses what readers will come away with. Not short and sweet–as so many great reviews are–but in prose that gives a flavor and an essence to the book that is being reviewed.


Even though I will embrace and welcome every review this book gets (even if some bad ones pop up, I know I’ll learn something from them that will make me a better writer tomorrow than I am today), I simply can’t imagine ever seeing a more thoughtful, well-developed and eloquent review than this one.  Kirk hit this one out of the ball park, across the pond, and all the way into middle Europe from his computer in Canada.


I’m impressed, greatly blessed and have been more or less speechless until just a few minutes ago, when I decided I’d better sit myself down and do my best to express what I’m feeling right now. Exhilaration!  Joy!  Happiness!


I seem to have succeeded at what I was trying to do: share DeForest Kelley in a way that people would be able to feel viscerally.  Because everybody should get to meet DeForest Kelley up close and personal.  Those who haven’t and thought they never would, now that he has passed, are in for a real treat.  And you don’t have to take my word for it.  Take 1701News’s word for it!

