Melody Paasch Re: Intuitive Gifting, Dream Interpretation



Melody Paasch Re: Intuitive Gifting, Dream Interpretation

This 90-minute interview with my dear friend Melody Paasch is definitely worth the listen except for the host’s decidedly weird (IMHO) interpretation of a dream she had about the guy with the yellow ferret on his head, the current GOP nominee for President.


To me, it’s blatantly obvious that the host’s politics colored the pro-Trump interpretation of  her own dream. I interpreted it completely differently based on my politics. (That’s the problem with some dream interpretation, and why it takes an expert like Melody to sort out the real messages from the self-discerned ones.)


I don’t know how Melody interpreted the host’s dream. That wasn’t brought up and the host didn’t inquire. I did notice that Melody got conspicuously quiet at that point and had a real challenge getting the topic back on track. It’s a briefly-disquieting interlude in an otherwise-fruitful dialogue between the two women.


Melody works in two fields: secular and sacred. This interview happens to have a Christian slant because of the host and the name of the program. I use the term ‘Christian’ above advisedly –and with extreme discomfort–since the vast majority of Christians aren’t of a similar political persuasion to this host’s. (Neither was Christ!)


Social justice Christians, like me, deeply distrust and disdain Trump and all he professes to stand for: bigotry, patriarchy/women’s subjugation/objectification, paranoid delusions against immigrants and Muslims… you know the rest. The guy’s a throwback to the 18th century when people (including wives) were property and subject to the whims of their ‘masters’…


The GOP nominee for POTUS gags me.  (Guess that went without saying, right?)